Poly King Custom Polymers was created out of sheer necessity. Having a long-standing facination with custom cars that were being created right before and after WWII, a focal point of my attention was always on Appleton brand spotlights.

First being introduced to Appletons at the age of 17 by a good friend’s father, it was only a matter of time until I finally obtained a set of my own. As you can imagine, a lot was left to be desired in regard to the condition of the chrome plating and plastic components on my set. The chrome could be addressed by a reputable plating service, but the cracked, vomit smelling plastics were another issue altogether. Having some experience with different types of plastics plus molding and casting, I set out to create new plastics for my Appletons.

After coming up with a method to reproduce these, I imagined there would be others in a similar situation (with bad plastic components) and may need these as well. It is my hope that I could contribute to the traditional custom car community and help others who share the same passion for these spotlights and early customs as I do.

Things progress, ideas come to life, and I continually strive to challenge myself to make new and different polymer components that encompass the spirit of the early custom car and the era that these were being built. I absolutely strive to make the best possible pieces I can, to offer others who share the same love of this golden era of the customized car. I have met many great people along the way, and now, so many of these same people I consider friends and that is the biggest reward of all.